Friday, 5 August 2016

Day Nine – Thursday 4 August 2016

 Day Nine – Thursday 4 August 2016

Arbon to Steckborn - 52 kilometres

We cycled from Arbon to Konstanz where we had a short break before spending some time trying to find our way out. Once more, we got going in the wrong direction and had to turn back before finding then right route. This was another blazing hot day and we had another long way to ride.

We were determined to find the camp site in Steckborn where we'd all visited a few years previously on one of our 'grand tours'. We arrived at the site at about 1600 hrs. where upon JP went of to swim in the lake. Keeping him out of water is just impossible and this is his favourite site in the whole world! We'd made it with no serious navigational difficulties, to find Robert already on site. He'd left Arbon before we were ready and had also stopped for a break of about an hour in Konstanz.


  1. I think swimming is part of JP's relaxation despite of long road you had been cycled.

  2. I do hope you had a good rest in Lake Constance. Beautiful place!
