Friday, 5 August 2016

Day Five – Sunday 31 July 2016

 Day Five – Sunday 31 July 2016

At a campsite in Chur, Switzerland

I decided we'd stay at Chur for another night so we could have a rest day after our mountain climbing exertions. We should have gone sightseeing but the weather wasn't great so JP headed for the sports ground where there were plenty of swimming facilities. 

I spent almost the whole day and evening working with my laptop computer, writing out blog and processing photographs. The internet connection was SO slow.

After eating a plate of salty chips for lunch, I walked to the sports centre to find JP. By this time the sun was shining and he was enjoying himself. I should have taken a picnic and drinks for him but didn't think about it in time. I perhaps should have stayed longer with him but felt under pressure to get back to my work on the computer.

There was a couple of folks there with the craziest bicycles I've ever seen. Have a look at these:

JP returned from swimming at about 1900 hrs. and we had something to eat in the restaurant. Camp site restaurants are always poor on food quality and high on price. After our meal, JP headed for his sleeping bag, exhausted, and I worked on until after 2200 hrs.

1 comment:

  1. Is that bicycle is for touring as well? Please make sure that JP is wearing suns cream before going swimming. What a lovely place to unwind!
